Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture

Author: Dr. Ricardo Schestatsk

59-year-old male patient.

Chief complaint: Patient had a longitudinal fracture in element 15, with pain, inflammatory signs and infection.


After the initial examination, anamnesis and tomographic examination, the fracture was detected at the root level, as well as inadequate restoration in the distal part of element 14.


Prior to surgery, an intraoral scan was performed in order to fabricate a temporary crown. Extraction was planned, with as little trauma as possible, using periotomes in order not to traumatize bone and gingival tissue, especially the interproximal papillae. After washing and curettage of the alveolus, an Arcsys 4.3 x 11 mm frictional implant was installed, leaving 3 mm below the buccal gingival margin.

Afterwards, the printed crown was joined to the multifunctional transfer which was previously worn with Opallis Flow composite, in shade A, Ambar Universal APS adhesive and finished with composite polishing spirals. In 60 days, the region was completely healed and the gingival tissue was in excellent condition to make the zirconia crown. The transfer was made from a Scanbody to a mini abutment, and the crown was made and delivered ready in the following appointment.


1. Scanning and design of printed provisional crown;
2. Initial situation;
3. Exodontia, implant, placement of a 2.5 mm mini abutment;
4. Grafting and provisional placement;
5. After dentistry of the neighboring tooth, scanning with Scanbody;
6. Placement of zirconia crown without the need to test.

Captura de Tela 2022 07 18 as 20.18.17 e1684336045632 - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fractureCaptura de Tela 2022 07 18 as 20.23.29 - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture

1 e 2 | Scanning and provisional design

Dente fraturado

3 | Fractured tooth

Implante Arcsys instalado com estabilidade excelente

4 | Arcsys implant with excellent stability, grafting and mini abutment

IMG 9159 - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture IMG 9158 - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture

5 e 6 | Capture printed provisional with Opallis Flow composite

IMG 9164 - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture IMG 9169 - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture

7 e 8 | Provisional finalized and immediate post-surgical

IMG 9274 - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture

9 | 7 days post surgery

Controle 6o dias - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture

10 | Control x-Ray in 60 days

IMG 9923 - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture IMG 9927 - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture

11 e 12 | Tissue stability after 60 days and scanbody in position

Resultado final, com carga imediata realizada IMG 0529 - Use of frictional implant in immediat load after dental fracture

13 e 14 | Final result, after dentistry in element 14


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