Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners

Authors: Dr. Manoela Almeida and Dr. Edgard Belladonna


In the clinical examination, the professionals noted that the patient had occlusal contacts only on the third molar teeth, with occlusal instability and absence of disocclusion guides. During the anamneses, the patient reported having had orthodontic treatment with fixed braces before, for a long time, and that she would not want to do it again, but showed to be receptive to the orthodontic aligners’ technique. When informed about the need for attachments, she showed concern about their esthetics.


Fig. 1 Aspecto inicial em oclusao1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Fig. 1 Initial aspect in occlusion.
Figs. 2 Condicionamento acido1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Figs. 3 Condicionamento acido1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Figs. 4 Condicionamento acido1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Figs. 2, 3 and 4 Acid etching.
Fig. 5 Aplicacao do adesivo Ambar Universal APS FGM1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Fig. 5 Application of the Ambar Universal APS (FGM) adhesive.
Fig. 6 Fotoativacao do adesivo1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Fig. 6 Adhesive photoactivation.
Fig. 7 Preenchimento dos slots com a resina Vittra APS Unique FGM no template ap1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Fig. 7 Filling of the slots with VIttra APS Unique (FGM) composite inside the template after the isolation of the piece with glycerin.

We chose to use the Vittra APS Unique composite, since we would be able to mask the color with its chameleon effect. The patient felt more comfortable and assured of the result.

Fig. 8 Insercao do template em boca com os slots devidamente preenchidos1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Fig. 8 Insertion of the template in the mouth with the slots properly filled.
Fig. 9 Fotoativacao das resinas nos slots1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Fig. 9 Photoactivation of the composites in the slots.
Fig. 10 Aspecto dos attachments imediatamente apos a remocao do template1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Fig. 10 Aspect of attachments immediately after template removal.
Fig. 11 Remocao do excesso de resina com ponta multilaminada1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Fig. 11 Removal of the excess composite with a multiblade bur.
Fig. 12 Vista de perfil1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Fig. 12 Side view.
Figs. 13 Aspecto final do sorriso da paciente com os attachments1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Figs. 14 Aspecto final do sorriso da paciente com os attachments1 - Application of Vittra APS Unique as an esthetic alternative for making attachments for orthodontic aligners
Figs. 13 and 14 Patient’s smile with the attachments.

With Vittra APS Unique composite, it was possible to camouflage the color of the dental substrate and keep the esthetic naturality of the treatment. Additionally, as the composite has just one shade which is adaptable to different shades, the process is faster and the stock is reduced. Also, it provides high resistance to wear, an important factor in orthodontics, since, in orthodontic treatments with aligners, there is great tension exerted over the attachments when the patient removes the aligners.


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